Online Schools Operate Independently of School Districts in Ohio
Q: What is an online school?
A: In Ohio, an online school (a.k.a. “virtual
school” or “e-school”) is a type of community school, meaning that it is a non-profit,
non-sectarian school that operates independently of any traditional school
district. Online schools have existed in Ohio since 2000. These schools
typically accept students from across the state because there are no district
boundaries as with traditional schools. Students of online schools may attend
class from a home computer or may use a local computer lab or classroom established
by the online school. Like all community schools, online schools must operate
under a contract with a non-profit sponsoring entity, which could be a traditional
school district or an educational service center.
Q: How
are online schools approved to operate?
A: Online schools must be approved to
operate (“chartered”) by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). As of 2013, the
ODE approves no more than five new online schools each year. The ODE’s criteria
for approval is based largely on the proposed sponsor’s experience in education
and the quality of education that the ODE determines the school’s proposed
sponsor and/or operator is able to provide. If approved, an online school must continue
to comply with the standards for operation adopted by the ODE. The online school
must also abide by the contract with its sponsoring entity.
Q: How
are online schools funded?
A: Online schools, like other community schools, are publically funded. They
receive per-pupil foundation payments from the ODE for regular and special education
students enrolled in the school. Online schools are also eligible for federal
funding and private grants. Online schools do not receive real estate tax
revenues like traditional school districts.
Q: Are online school teachers licensed?
A: Yes. Online school teachers must comply with all of the ODE’s
certification and licensing requirements, although teachers may teach outside
of their areas of certification. Most online school administrators do not have
to be licensed, however.
Q: Must online school students take the same tests Ohio requires for public
school students?
A: Yes. Online school students must take
all state-required tests, including diagnostic assessments, proficiency tests,
the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA) and the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT).
Q: How is online schooling different from home schooling?
A: Although online
school students may actually do the majority or even all of their school work
at home, they are not considered to be “home schooled.” Rather, home schooled
students are students excused from attending their traditional school district
so they can receive instruction from a parent or guardian. To be approved for
home instruction, the parent/guardian directing the home education must provide
certain assurances to the superintendent of the traditional school district
about his/her
ability to teach effectively. The parent or guardian must teach certain core
subjects, including but not limited to history, government, language, reading,
writing, mathematics, science, health, physical education and the fine arts.
Each home-schooled student must also be provided a minimum of 900 hours of
education each school year. Once approved
for home schooling by the superintendent, the parent/guardian selects the educational
materials and takes responsibility for educating the student.
important difference between online schooling and home schooling is that
students who graduate from online schools receive diplomas that are recognized
by the State Board of Education, while home-schooled students do not. This is not to say that home schooled
students cannot receive credit for their previous education or continue to
college. Colleges, universities and employers have discretion in deciding
whether to accept credits or credentials issued by a home-schooled
difference surfaced with a law enacted in the fall of 2013 that requires traditional
public school districts to give home-schooled students residing in the district
the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities offered by the
district. This same opportunity to participate is currently not offered to
students attending online schools. However, online schools may offer their own extracurricular
activities and social opportunities for their students.
This “Law You Can Use” column was provided by the Ohio State
Bar Association. It was prepared by attorney Mark A. Weiker of the Columbus
firm Means, Bichimer, Burkholder & Baker Co., LPA. Articles appearing in
this column are intended to provide broad, general information about the law.
Before applying this information to a specific legal problem, readers are urged
to seek advice from an attorney.
Labels: education, Ohio Department of Education, online school, public school, students, virtual school
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