Ohio Attorney General Offers Free Mediation Program to Resolve Public Records Disputes
Q: I’ve asked a local
government agency for public records, and I’m not getting what I want. What can
I do about it?
A: Ohio’s long-standing public records law generally
gives the public access to public records. You don’t have to be a member of the
media to seek public records; they are open to everyone. Also, you don’t have say
who you are or why you want the record. Even so, disputes often arise about the
“what, when and how” of the records you seek. Ohio law says a public record is
any record kept by a public office, but not every document a governmental body
has in its possession is a public record. Knowing what records the law allows
you to access and how you can access them will help you avoid a dispute.
A public record may take the form of
a paper or electronic document, email, video, a map, a blueprint, a photograph
or even a voicemail message. A “public office” is any state or local government
office or agency, as well as any public school district office. Even a private
entity may be considered a public office if it functions as one. The Ohio
Attorney General’s Office has guidelines to help citizens seeking records and more
information about public records at www.OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov/YellowBook.
Q: What happens when
there’s a dispute about public records?
A: Disputes arise over what constitutes a public
record, and there are differences of opinion about what records should be
provided to the public and what records should be kept private. (For instance,
information in a prosecutor’s file for an upcoming trial is “exempt” from the
public records law, but information about the outcome of a concluded trial is a public record.) Disputes also arise
over when and how the government must provide a record, and what period of time
is “reasonable” for the public body to respond to a records request.
When disputes arise between
government bodies and citizens requesting public records, Ohio law allows
citizens to go to court to compel the government to turn over the records.
Q: I’ve heard there’s
a public records mediation program. What is this and why was it created?
A: The Ohio Attorney General’s Public Records Unit
discovered that many disputes about record requests at the local level (such as
a county or city government office or a school board) can be settled outside of
court. For example, a dispute may arise because the office in question is not
the keeper of the record requested, or the records request went to the wrong
person, or the office found the request unclear. To minimize the time and expense
and time of resolving disputes through the courts, the Attorney General’s
Office has set up a voluntary mediation program. Mediations are free of charge,
private and confidential. The program is designed to speed resolution of disputes
and improve communication between parties by actively involving both sides in
Q: How do I request
mediation for my public records dispute?
A: You can submit an online intake form at www.OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov/PublicRecordsMediation
or contact the Public Records Unit of the Ohio Attorney General’s Office toll
free at 1-888-958-5088 to request mediation.
Currently, the mediation program is
only open to disputes between local and county government agencies and the
public. Because the Ohio Attorney General represents state offices, his
attorneys do not mediate disputes between state agencies and the public.
However, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office works closely with its state agency
clients to fully educate them about their responsibilities under the Public
Records Act. Contact the Ohio Attorney General if your public records issue
involves a State of Ohio agency or office-holder.
Q: What happens after
I request mediation for a dispute with a local agency?
A: The Public Records Unit will find out if the other
party is willing to engage in the mediation process, and will make every effort
to let you know whether it will mediate your dispute within 10 business days. If
both parties consent, the Public Records Unit will schedule the mediation and
will notify you about the date and time. Most mediation discussions are
conducted through telephone conference calls so you do not need to travel to
attempt to resolve the dispute.
Q: Where can I get
more information about Ohio’s public records laws?
A: To learn more about Ohio’s public records laws,
review the Ohio Sunshine Laws manual at www.OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov/YellowBook.
This “Law You Can
Use” column was provided by the Ohio State Bar Association. It was prepared by Columbus
attorney Dan Trevas. Articles appearing in this column are intended to provide
broad, general information about the law. Before applying this information to a
specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney.
Labels: public records, Sunshine Laws
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