Sperm Donors, Ova Donors and Other Legal Strangers
Q: Are there places in Ohio where
sperm and eggs can be donated?
A: Yes. Many Ohio medical centers offer assisted reproduction
technologies (ARTs); some Ohio cities have more than one center. Sperm donation
has been available since the late 1940s, but now women can also donate eggs (ova)
to each other. Sometimes gamete (sperm or ova) donations are preserved through
freezing and may be used ten or more years after donation.
Q: How do people use assisted
reproduction technologies?
A: Due to delayed childbearing, a decline in stable marriages,
an increase in venereal disease and greater understanding of genetic issues, increasing
numbers of people (couples and singles) are considering various types of
technologies to make reproduction possible. These technologies can allow a
woman to become pregnant and bear a couple’s own genetic child. Or, a single
person or a couple may use gamete (egg or sperm) donors or use the services of
a gestational surrogate.
Q: How does Ohio law determine
the child’s legal parent when more than two people make the child’s birth
A: Generally, Ohio law considers the child’s genetic parents to be the “real” legal parents. Genetic parentage can be determined through medical testing before or at birth, so if a gestational surrogate becomes pregnant using the intended parents’ ova and sperm, parentage questions don’t usually arise.
A: Generally, Ohio law considers the child’s genetic parents to be the “real” legal parents. Genetic parentage can be determined through medical testing before or at birth, so if a gestational surrogate becomes pregnant using the intended parents’ ova and sperm, parentage questions don’t usually arise.
If donor gametes are used to create a pregnancy in the
intended mother under medical supervision, the physician uses a waiver and a
contract to establish that the intended mother and her spouse/partner are
obligated to serve as parents to the child. Ohio law recognizes ART procedures that
occur under medical supervision.
If the child is not
the genetic child of the parties and is not
born of the intended mother, the courts may rely on written agreements between
the parties to determine parentage. Ohio’s public policy does not prohibit such agreements.
Q: What legal risks are associated
with assisted reproduction technologies?
A: Pregnancy and parenting carry high legal risks that increase
with the number of people involved in the process. For example, recessive genes
can play strange tricks. Sometimes you get twins or triplets you didn’t expect,
or children may be born early or have birth defects. Generally, the law assumes
that people who choose to use ARTs accept such risks when they decide to
participate in the procedures. Aside from medical and legal implications, the
participants, their families and the child(ren) must deal with relational and
psychological issues. Some ART programs strongly recommend that people planning
to use assisted reproduction technology receive psychological counseling.
Q: Why do we need laws,
contracts and waivers when it would be a lot easier and cheaper to use home
A: The state has an interest in protecting the rights of children
and making sure they are supported, as well as an interest in protecting donors
and intended parents. To make sure the rights of all parties are respected, the
state uses laws, contracts and waivers to provide a clear path for making
parentage determinations, recording parties’ intentions, and allowing
educational and civil authorities to deal with families in an orderly manner.
To protect donors from liability for child support and
intended parents from custody claims by donors, the law requires procedures
using ARTs to be medically supervised. Unsupervised procedures such as home
inseminations (sometimes called “turkey baster” inseminations) carry particular
risks. For example, it is possible to contract a sexually transmitted disease
(STD) without direct sexual contact. A woman who contracts an STD from a donor
through a home insemination creates additional complications that medical
supervision might have prevented.
Can a child conceived
through the use of donor gametes find his or her “donor parents”?
A: Many donor contracts state that the donor’s identity will
remain confidential, and medical professionals have long honored such
commitments. However, with the advent of the Internet and DNA testing for
genetic purposes, children can find their donor parents without help from
medical personnel. Such searches can prove traumatic, however, and those making
them should seek psychological counseling first. Donors may also be harmed by
such searches. For example, a donor’s biological child may attempt to make
claims on the donor’s estate. Because of this possibility, donors should
protect themselves through careful personal and estate planning, and be sure to
inform an estate planner of any previous gamete donations.
This “Law You Can Use” consumer legal information article was
provided by the Ohio State Bar Association.
This column was prepared by Columbus attorneys Susan Garner Eisenman,
chair of Ohio’s Adoption Law Roundtable and ARTS and AAAA fellow and Robin B.
Baird, who represents medical providers of ARTS. Articles appearing in this column are
intended to provide broad, general information about the law. Before applying this information to a
specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney.
Labels: egg donors, ova donors, parenting, reproduction, sperm donors
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