Home-schooling Provides Alternative to Traditional Public Schools
Ohio’s “compulsory attendance” law
requires all parents or guardians to send their children between the ages of 6
and 18 to a school that meets the State Board of Education’s minimum standards.
Q: Can my children be excused from compulsory school attendance to be
A: Yes. You can ask your children’s public
school district to excuse them from the compulsory attendance requirement so you
can teach them at home (known as “homeschooling”).
Q: If I want to homeschool, must I be my children’s teacher?
A: Not necessarily. A parent need not be
the homeschool teacher, but the teacher must be deemed qualified to teach the
state-required subjects and must, at minimum, have a high school diploma/GED or
standardized test scores demonstrating high school equivalence.
Q: What if I don’t have the minimum qualifications to teach my children at
A: If you are not minimally qualified, but
want to provide the instruction yourself, you must find someone with a college
degree to supervise your teaching until your child’s test results demonstrate
reasonable proficiency or until you obtain a high school diploma or GED.
Q: Who decides if I am qualified to homeschool my child?
A: You will need to apply to the superintendent
of the public school your child currently attends or is entitled to attend. The
superintendent will examine your application and determine whether you are minimally
qualified according to state requirements.
Q; What information must I provide on my homeschooling application?
A: On your application (usually provided
by the superintendent), you must give basic personal information and agree to
provide your child with a minimum of 900 hours of home education each school
year. Subject areas must include language, reading, spelling, writing,
geography, national and state history, national, state and local government,
mathematics, science, health, physical education, fine arts (including music),
first aid, safety and fire prevention. You must also provide a brief outline of
the intended curriculum and a list of teaching materials to be used.
Q: What if our family’s religious beliefs conflict with the state’s required
subject matter?
A: You do not have to include any concept,
topic or practice that conflicts with sincerely held religious beliefs.
Q: How long does it take for my homeschooling application to be reviewed?
A: The superintendent must review any
application within 14 calendar days of receipt and determine if it is complete
and complies with minimal requirements. If it is acceptable, the superintendent
will excuse your child from school attendance for the remainder of the current
school year. If incomplete or unacceptable, the superintendent will notify you
and give you 14 calendar days to supply any necessary information.
the superintendent still denies your application, he or she must provide reasons
for the denial and inform you of your right to a due process hearing. After the
due process hearing, the superintendent will make a final determination. If your
application is denied again, you have 10 days to appeal to the county juvenile
the superintendent approves your homeschool application, your child must attend
Q: If I homeschool my children, must I show evidence of their academic
A: Yes. For each school year completed at
home, you must submit to the superintendent: 1) the results of a nationally-normed,
standardized achievement test; 2) a written narrative report prepared by a
licensed teacher or a mutually agreed-upon third party; or 3) an alternative agreed-upon
academic assessment.
Q: What if my child isn’t meeting the necessary proficiency levels?
A: You must show the superintendent an
appropriate remediation plan and provide quarterly updates on your child’s
Q: Can my children re-enroll in the public school?
A: Yes. Your children can enroll or
re-enroll in their residential public school district. The superintendent determines
the appropriate placement considering your children’s most recent annual
academic assessment report, scores on standardized achievement tests and other
evaluation information.
Q: Is online schooling the same as homeschooling?
A: No. Most online schools are publicly funded
charter schools (“community schools”) where instruction is provided by a
licensed teacher.
Q: Can my homeschooled child participate in a school district’s sports
programs and extracurricular activities?
A: Yes. Ohio law now allows homeschooled
children to participate in extracurricular activities offered by the public school
they are entitled to attend. The law only applies to programs not included in
any graded course, and homeschooled children must meet the same nonacademic requirements
(e.g., tryouts) and financial requirements (e.g., payment of fees) as other participating
Q: Will my homeschooled children get a regular high school diploma?
A: The State Board of Education does not
recognize high school diplomas of homeschooled children. Also, colleges or
employers may require homeschooled children to complete the GED test or other
assessments to show they have met requirements that are equivalent to a high
school diploma.
This “Law You Can Use” column was provided by the Ohio State
Bar Association. It was prepared by attorney Mark A. Weiker of the Columbus
firm Means, Bichimer, Burkholder & Baker Co., LPA, a member of the OSBA
Education Committee. Articles appearing in this column are intended to provide
broad, general information about the law. Before applying this information to a
specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney.
Labels: compulsory attendance, education, homeschool, public school
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